Tools For Clients, Management and Employees

The possibilities are endless when you consider the many advantages of utilizing a Web server. With "back-end" tools, mobile accessibility, secured logins and intranet services, useful utilities can be created for your business or organization that will improve efficiency and provide convenience for you, your clients and employees. DataBoy programmers have the experience to get the job done.
Online Services
Blogs Having a blog page on your Web site, with informative content updated regularly, can be a great advantage in keeping your site alive and active. It is also a great way to improve your Web traffic and boost your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Freshly updated material matters and keeps your visitors coming back for more. You can open a blog page up for comments, if you wish, helping to further participation.
Sales There are a variety of pre-built e-commerce solutions available that can integrate nicely with your Web site, if you have a number of items to sell. If your needs consist of only a small number of products, there are simpler methods of creating a shopping cart and providing secure transactions online. We can help you implement either of these options.
Online Instruction and Support Providing video or other step-by-step tutorials for your customers can be a great boon to customer retention, as well as providing a significant boost to your SEO. When customers need help with a product or service, support lines can be created in a number of ways, from a support ticket system integrated with email, to a searchable knowledge base and online chat. Download options can also be made available for instructional material and other files.

Remote Access The possibilities here are many-fold. If you have employees in the field, with a mobile device, they can still log in to your Web server to keep critical information updated in real time. You can also provide access to information that may be helpful in doing their job more efficiently. If you have employees in the field, be they salespeople, technical or construction crew, service providers, maintenance staff, or supervisors, mobile accessibility can be a powerful tool.
Manuals and Forms Any office form can be converted to an online form - accessible from any workstation or mobile device and stored in a secure database. Likewise, any online form can be printed out to a paper form as it was originally formatted. In addition, instructional and policy manuals can be converted to online, searchable utilities, providing quick access to important information, allowing you and your employees to stay on top of any situation.
Client Access
Want to demo something for a client, allow that client to upload or download files or view specific information? Securing that information with a client login can do just that while providing a safe and specialized environment.
An intranet system is, basically, a Web site for your workplace. When compared with the Internet, it can be described as a behind-the-scenes web-type network that has no connection to the public World Wide Web.
The possibilities are limitless. Paper forms can be put online, with completed forms stored in a database for quick and easy retrieval. If you still need the paper form, we can make an exact duplicate of that form to be printed from your computer. Charts and graphs for different departments, with filtering tools and other criteria to provide refined and specific information can be a great management asset.
We can provide custom, well-planned utilities to fulfill any need. Call us today so we can discuss an intelligent plan that will help you improve your company's efficiency and bottom line.