DataBoy Web Hosting

You can depend on DataBoy for all your hosting needs. Our state-of-the-art servers are located in the Midwest's premier mission-critical data center, sharing space with Yahoo!, General Electric, ESPN, the Chicago Stock Exchange, Chicago Board Options Exchange, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. This Tier-4 system contains a backbone consisting of the top names in telecommunications networking (11 carriers in all). What this means is you can be assured of a network that is consistent and dependable, which allows us to guarantee that your site will be online, with fast access 99.99% of the time.
Advantages with DataBoy Hosting
Although our hosting site,, is available to the public on the internet, we do not strongly promote it. Our main reason for providing hosting services is to benefit our Web design and Web software clients.
There are significant differences in letting us host your site rather than going to a big hosting company that may be hosting thousands of Web sites on a shared server. Our servers contain 100 or less accounts. The greatest majority of these accounts are people we know personally. They are clients and associates.
A limited number of accounts on a server means there is less load, allowing the computer to operate at top efficiency. Corporate giants may have a slight edge on us price-wise, but they cannot compete with the quality of service. Besides, you will find our pricing quite reasonable.
Hosting Features
Many features are available with our hosting plans, including unlimited e-mail addresses, excellent spam blockers, and, if you are so inclined, the ability to create sub-domains, or create a blog, forum, or guestbook to add to your site.
E-mail: Your hosting plan will include e-mail addresses only limited in number by the amount of disk space in your plan. The standard package will easily handle a large number of addresses. These e-mail addresses will be accessible via POP3 (Outlook, Windows Live, Eudora, Thunderbird, etc.) or by WebMail, accessible from any computer. You can use both (computer mail client or Web client), so that your mail is accessible to you at any time. You may forward addresses, send "out-of-office" auto-replies or invoke permission-based e-mail.
One of the most important features of your hosting plan Control Panel is the ability to view your Web site statistics. Your statistics are calculated daily and archived monthly, so that you can gain a solid view of the activity of your visitors. These statistics will show you
- How many people visit your sites on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Not only that, but you can tell whether they are a new or returning visitor, the length of time they stayed on your site, and what pages they visited.
- Want to know what keywords visitors put into search engines to find you? You will not only be able to see the keywords, ranked in order of use, but also the exact phrases your visitors used to arrive at your site.
- How well is your ad on Craig's List doing at bringing people to your Web site. It's all in the stats. As a matter of fact, any link from any web site that connects to your site is recorded when a visitor uses that link to arrive at your site.
- Colorful graphs show your activity by hour of the day, day of the week and more.
This tool alone is worth its weight in gold to analyze and plan your marketing campaigns.
DataBoy provides Web hosting plans on state-of-the-art servers, in a secure environment, at a competitive price. The "big guys" are no competition for our personalized service.