Frequently Asked Questions
Information on this page has been divided into three categories, Basic, containing questions on basic web terminology, General, containing general questions on our procedures, policy and services, and Technical, referencing more technical questions.
Click on the links below for the answers.
Click on the links below for the answers.
Basic Questions - What Is


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)


DNS (Domain Name System)

SSL (Secure Socket Layers)

Server-Side Processing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Web Hosting

Domain Name

General Questions

What is the cost, and how is it billed?

Are there any hidden costs?

Is the internet safe?

Can I update my own website?

Who owns the artwork on my site?

I want to change something on my site.

Can you register my domain name?

Do you guarantee top SEO ranking?

How do I promote my site?

What is an ISP

I don't want a DataBoy link on my site.

What is a web template?

What if I live out of town?

I just want an e-mail address.

I need help with a mail campaign.
Technical Questions

Do you do Flash and multimedia work?

What database do you use?

Do you write or modify programs written in Perl, C#, or other languages?

What hosting services do you offer?

Do you design e-commerce sites?

How do I do credit card processing?

Can you change my current site?

Can you move my site to your server?